Livelihoods Program
Component 3: Livelihoods Program
KDRDIP Objective for Livelihoods Program
The key objective of the Kenya Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (KDRDIP) Livelihood Program is to support interventions aimed at improving the productivity of traditional and non-traditional livelihoods; and strengthening the resilience of communities by improving access to technology and equipment, skills and markets, storage and processing infrastructure and financial support.
KDRDIP Livelihood Sub-Components
The Kenya Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (KDRDIP) Livelihoods Programme is divided into two sub-components:
(a) Support to Traditional Non-Traditional Livelihoods
(b) Capacity Building of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) for Livelihoods.
KDRDIP Support to Traditional Non-Traditional Livelihoods
The objective of the Support to Traditional and Non-Traditional Livelihoods subcomponent of KDRDIP is to increase productivity. It aims at improving lives of pastoralists/agro-pastoralists through enhancing the production and productivity of livestock (goats, camels, cattle, and poultry) and dry-land farming with emphasis on rebuilding pastures.
Capacity Building of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) for Livelihoods.
The Kenya Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (KDRDIP) activities under the Capacity Building of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) for Livelihoods are designed to strengthen the value chains for selected commodities and promoting agribusinesses. This is achieved through access to input and output markets as well as enhanced skills for increased employability, enterprise development, promotion of other income generating activities; improved access to financial services (through the promotion of grassroots financial institutions); and strengthening technical and advisory services to help host communities identify viable businesses and/or investment opportunities and income‐generating activities.
The purpose for the Capacity Building of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) for Livelihood sub-component is to improve the capacities of existing and new community institutions for promoting inclusive and sustainable livelihoods, among others. The key guiding principles are: (a) emphasis on promoting livelihoods of the most vulnerable, including women and youth; (b) building on experiences and tools developed by the Government and partner agencies in promoting livelihoods, and (c) optimizing the existing infrastructure. For livelihoods promotion, the community institutions are Community Groups (CGs), village level livelihoods sub‐committees, ward/cluster level committees, and producer organizations. These community institutions are trained in group management, conflict resolution, savings, financial literacy, book-keeping, and procurement; and encouraged to have regular meetings to promote savings, inter-loaning, timely repayment, and up‐to‐date books of accounts.
The capacity‐building efforts are implemented by field-based facilitation teams/NGOs referred to as Facilitating Partners (FPs) and coordinated by the respective County Integrated Project Implementation Units (CIPIU), which bear the overall responsibility for the capacity building.
Implementation Status
In the financial year 2019/2020 the component funded 201 community groups across the three project Counties of Garissa, Wajir and Turkana ksh 100,500,000, each of the five Sub counties within the project area received 20,000,000 to fund 40 community groups
A total of Kshs 20,500,000 was dispersed with each CG receiving Kshs 500,000. Most groups kept records such as, member’s registers, savings registers, minutes as well as financial records. However, there were some groups who were not keeping proper financial records. The Facilitating Partner (FP) is training CGs on financial management.
2019/2020 financial year funded Community Groups (CGs)
County | Sub County | No. of CGs funded
2019/2020 FY |
Amount (Ksh) |
1.Garissa | Dadaab | 40 | 20,000,000 |
Lagdera | 40 | 20,000,000 | |
Fafi | 40 | 20,000,000 | |
2. Wajir | Wajir South | 41 | 20,500,000 |
3.Turkana | Turkana West | 40 | 20,000,000 |
Total | 5 | 201 | 100,500,000 |