Kenya Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project, is a National government-led response initiative that aims to address the negative impacts of protracted presence of refugees on host communities as well as the country as a whole.
It is part of the second phase of Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project, a regional mechanism that seeks to address the regional spillover effects of conflict and forced displacement in the Horn of African countries of Djibouti, Ethiopia and Uganda that also directly affect Kenya. Yet it is also an integral part of North and North Eastern Development Initiative (NEDI) that targets this expanse to bring it at par with the rest of the country.
The project will target communities in refugee-hosting areas that have seen protracted presence of refugees with project investments potentially benefiting both the host and refugee communities following an area-based development approach. The project is potentially expected to benefit a total host population of 1,041,436 and indirectly a total refugee population of 439,46.
The project will enable refugee hosting communities to identify and prioritize investments with a specific focus on women, female-headed households, and youth, groups that are disproportionately affected by displacement. Even though the project is focused on the needs of host communities, its holistic approach will ensure that refugees also benefit from its investments in socio-economic infrastructure, environmental amelioration, and livelihood opportunities contributing to the design of transitional/progressive solutions for refugees in a more conducive and opportunistic social and economic ecosystem.
The role of ward committees is to aggregate work plans prepared by village level committees. Ward committees will comprise of villages that participate in community driven-development process ; two per village (composed of one man and one woman).
A watershed is the beginning of the change of flow of water, usually a boundary. At this point, water flows to different directions. Soil erosion can be mitigated in the upper areas of a watershed. If water can be retained for a given period of time, it can be used to grow crops e.g. green grams, which can be ready for harvesting in three months.
The Project Implementation Support Team will provide technical expertise required during project implementation at the sub project levels .
The project aims to directly benefit refugee host communities. However, refugees will also benefit indirectly from the project as they will be able to access services like access roads, water and educational facilities that will be put up in areas occupied by the host communities.
The project will target existing Community Groups (CGs), focusing mainly on the active poor, but it will also consider new groups as per the community operation manual(COM) .
There will be no discrimination on the account of disability.
Environmental committees will be part of Environmental and Natural Resource Management committees.
The community will contribute in kind, i.e. they will provide land, and create time to attend meetings and participate in making decisions.
Component 1 comprises two sub components; Community Investment Fund US$42.5 million and Capacity Support for Local Planning and Decentralized Service Delivery US$2.5 million.
The project will be implemented through community driven development approach. Each community activity will be identified,prioritized,implemented and monitored by the community to avoid duplication.
The project will form its own committees at the village, ward, sub county and county levels. The project can build on existing committees if they have the capacity and are inclusive of vulnerable and marginalized groups.
The money given to community groups will be a grant.
There will be no discrimination against illiteracy in project prioritization.
There is defined criteria for formation of community groups (this refers to community groups under Component 3). Please see the Community Operations manual(COM) under the downloads.
The County Secretary and the County Commissioner as co-chair of County Steering Committee.
Project implementation grievances will be addressed through the structures outlined in Grievances Redress Mechanism available under downloads
The information can be accessed under Tenders.
The evaluation process is confidential.