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Welcome to KDRDIP

Empowering Refugee-Hosting Communities in Kenya

Kenya Development Response to Displacement Impacts Project (KDRDIP) is a National Government initiative, supported by the World Bank to improve lives of the refugee-hosting communities in the north of the country. It is a Community Driven Development (CDD) where communities identify, plan, implement, monitor and sustain their own development projects. The projects identified by the communities are integrated into the Community Development Plans (CDPs) before they receive funding.

Water Project in Turkana County

The National Project Implementation Unit (NPIU) processes funding for the approved projects and disburses it directly to beneficiary communities through the County Integrated Project Implementation Units (CIPIUs). Communities have established Village Level Committees (VLCs) to manage the implementation of the community projects. The key committees at the village level include Community Project Management Committees (CPMCs), Social Audit Committees (SACs) and Grievance Redress Committees (GRCs). The committees are trained on their roles and responsibilities in project management. KDRDIP works with various stakeholders in efforts to transform lives of the refugee-hosting communities in Turkana, Wajir and Garissa Counties.

KDRDIP Documentaries

World Bank Implementation Support Mission

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Community Testimonies

Project Implementation Dashboards

KDRDIP is a USD100 Million (Kshs.10 Billion) Credit by the World Bank to the Government of Kenya and an additional Grant of USD8 Million (Kshs 800 Million) by the Danish Government (DANIDA). It was approved by the Bank on April 26, 2017 and became effective on June 28, 2017. It is in its sixth year of implementation with the closing date being 31st December, 2023. The Project Development Objective is to improve access to basic social services, expand economic opportunities and enhance environmental management in the refugee hosting communities. The Project is structured in terms of (a) Component 1: Social and Economic Infrastructure and Services; (b) Component 2: Environmental and Natural Resource Management; (c) Component 3: Livelihoods Program; (d) Component 4: Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, and Knowledge Sharing.

Project Overview

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Component 1: Social and Economic Infrastructure and Services

Component 1 supports improvements in access to quality basic services for the refugee-host communities in northern Kenya which is the home of close to 500,000 refugees from neighboring Somalia, Sudan and other countries. The key services offered under the component are expansion primary and secondary schools, health services, water supply, sanitation, hygiene and access roads infrastructure. The approximate cost for Component 1 is US$45. million.

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Dadaab Sub-county

Lagdera Sub-county

Wajir South Sub-county

Fafi Sub-county

Turkana West Sub-county

Component 2: Environmental and Natural Resource Management Programme

Component 2 aims at mitigating environmental impacts resulting from the over-exploitation of the natural resources among communities hosting refugees in northern Kenya. The objective of this particular component is to mitigate this environmental challenges experienced among the refugee hosting communities in Turkana, Wajir and Garissa Counties. The interventions include rehabilitation of degraded sites, agro-forestry, management of solid wastes (plastics) and provision of alternative energy sources such solar, wind and energy saving technologies. The Component is implemented under (a) Integrated Natural Resources Management and (b) Access to Energy sub-components.

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Component 3: Livelihood Programme

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KDRDIP Livelihood Sub-Components

The Kenya Development Response to Displacement Impact Project (KDRDIP) Livelihoods Programme is divided into two sub-components:

  1. Support to Traditional Non-Traditional Livelihoods
  2. Capacity Building of Community Groups

Beneficiary Counties

Garissa County – Target Beneficiaries

  • Dadaab Sub-County – 208,048
  • Lagdera Sub-County – 126,389
  • Fafi Sub-County – 129,904

Turkana County – Target Beneficiaries

  • Turkana West Sub-County – 409,490

Wajir County – Target Beneficiaries

  • Wajir South – 167,609